WELTEC BIOPOWER plans, sells, supplies and erects biogas plants made of a special material: stainless steel.
Stainless steel represents longevity, purity, stability and thus very high quality.
As a result, stainless steel has come to symbolize for us the workmanship of our plants and services.

The strength of WELTEC BIOPOWER lies in custom-tailored design and technically mature solutions for projects up to 10-megawatt capacity. In this context, the high proportion of internally developed components is a key success factor. The company also owes its leading edge to the use of stainless steel. This enables the input of a diverse range of feedstocks, a fast and economic assembly and a consistently high-quality standard ‒ regardless of the location.
Website: https://www.weltec-biopower.com
Contact: Info[at]melchers.com.tw